Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!  Here is my favorite photo of my dad when he was in the navy.  He has always been so supportive of me.  My dad shows great kindness, thoughtfulness, and above all humor!  This is one of the few photos in which he isn't wearing a woman's wig, goofy hat or Groucho Marx glasses.  (thank you,  thank you for the gift of laughter dad.  What would I do without it?)  And being such a gentleman at heart, he always opens the door for a lady, something I am desperately trying to teach my own sons.  He also still rides his bike at nearly 80 years of age, and blows away many young riders.  My dad is such a blessing to my life and I love him very much.

Happy Father's Day dad, I love you!!!!!!!
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