Hi there, and welcome! I wanted to share with you the amazing garden shop
"Roger's Gardens" in Corona
del Mar, CA. It is amazing, and my favorite nursery by far! It is decked out with spooky decor for the Halloween season. Here is the outside of the Halloween room.

Beautiful grey pumpkins littered the floor outside.

This mischievous statue greets you at the door.

The greys of the statues and pumpkins were pretty together.

A rather large spider crawls inside a cage.

Chippy paint adorn the walls, and old
Creaky stairs and spider webs!

An old forgotten laboratory. To learn more about its past owner mournful
Mooris go
Spooky dolls stare at you with dead eyes.

The rabbit in the above photo slowly moved, and was very creepy.

Loads of magical merchandise, including Wendy Addison, and Bethany Lowe.

More creepy chandeliers.

I have a phobia of old dolls, due to scary movies I saw as a kid, and a doll my Grandmother gave me. It had a creepy grin, and real human hair! I even had a hard time taking these photos! The dolls were spray painted white, had green lights on them, and smoke blowing out underneath the display.

Can you believe how brave I was taking these pictures? Are you afraid of dolls like me?

More fun goodies to choose from.

I hope you enjoyed the tour! I felt like a kid in a candy store, it was
soooo much fun for me! Check back next time to see what I bought at this incredible nursery. If you're ever in the Newport Beach area, run don't walk to Roger's Gardens. It really is the most beautiful home and garden center. And I can't wait to see their Christmas decorations. Thanks for stopping by!