Hi there! So nice to have you stop by. Well tomorrow is my first craft show since December, and I'm nervous and excited as always. I guess if I were selling something I didn't make it would be better. But I did make these darlings from creating the design, cutting the glass and soldering, to gluing on the rhinestones and ribbons. They are a true labor of love, and I can't think of anything else I'd rather do, but with any passion the bad side comes out too. I've cursed, cut myself, burned my fingers and legs, screamed at my family (I'm sorry!) and battled severe migraines. So sometimes it's hard to lay it all out there for the public to see and judge at a craft show. I still get nervous and fearful, and think to myself is it good enough, should I have done more, or I start comparing myself to others, which is my kiss of death. But like Betty Bender says, "Anything I've ever done that was ultimately worthwhile, initially scared me to death."
So I just thought I'd share some of my feelings before I get back to work here. If you're in the neighborhood tomorrow, please stop by and say hi to me. I'll be getting up bright and early tomorrow at 4 a.m. :)
I hope you keep your passion burning even when it gets hard, and face your fears too because that's when great things happen in your life.