Summertime! I love it, and finally the fog has lifted, and so have my spirits. Last night was an overnight for my son and his friends. Of course we had to watch the
Lakers/Celtics game. Boy were we happy the
Lakers won! It seemed like they were going to blow it again there, but somehow they came through. Sorry Celtics fans. I wanted to share with you some goodies I've been creating. The first is a cool little
summertime sign. It's 2x6" so small enough to pop in an area of your house for some summer fun.

Here are some crowns glittered with silver, because I just can't seem to get enough of them. This graphic is from an old dictionary.

This is a panoramic photo at Balboa Beach from 1925. I've always loved this photo, but the real size is huge and I never knew where to put it. This one is nice and small, and I was happy with its outcome. Can you believe these swim suits were considered risque? Pretty funny considering what I see at the beach now days. Can we get these to come back in style? Considering where my figure is heading (and I mean south for the winter!) I would love to start a new fashion trend and bring these bathing suits back! I love corsets too, and found some in an old magazine. My mom saved some Ladies home journals from the 1800's, and corsets were all the rage. If you look at pictures showing how they crush your insides, be happy us girls don't have to deal with them anymore. They even had children wearing them.

Another great graphic from the
Graphics Fairy. She has so many amazing graphics and all for free. And thanks for featuring me on your blog Karen! I really appreciate it. The Eiffel Tower can be purchased
I'll get these up for sale on my
website as soon as I can. :)

I hope you're having a happy summer so far. I started taking an online course about finding your passion within a creative business. Already I'm learning so much, and learning to listen to my own creative voice. Check it out
here if you're interested, it's called "Flying Lessons: tips and tricks to help your creative business soar," given by Kelly Rae Roberts. Thanks to Deb at
Midlife Poet for sharing the info about it. I really appreciate it. Well back to work. Hope you have a fun and restful weekend!
Take care,