Welcome, and thanks for dropping by. Today is show me your form day being hosted by Tiffany from
Shabby Scraps, and I chose to include 2 of my most trusted forms Betty and Pretty Polly. The first is Betty from Barcelona, and as you see she is rather torn, but I love that about her.

Here is a close up of her information including her model number.

Another view of Betty's upper half.

A view of my forms used as a display for my soldered charms at a Street Faire.

Here is my other form I got at an incredible antique shop in San Diego called Vignettes.

She's tall like me!

Here she is in my office.

I think the imperfections on Betty make her even more beautiful.

I hope you enjoyed a look at my dress forms. Take care, and I will let you know in my next post what I've been up to. Have a wonderful weekend!
Take care,