Resin Charm
Supplies needed to complete this project:
• Popsicle sticks-small and jumbo
• Timer (cheap digital one from Walmart)
• latex gloves (from Walmart in paint section)
• mask
• toothpicks
• small paint brush
• measuring cups-(from Rio Grande)
• Colores epoxy resin (from Rio Grande)- here's the link, kit includes measuring cups, sticks, and resin
• waxed paper or freezer paper to protect table
• artwork printed on high quality matte paper (I use Epson Premium Presentation Paper found at Staples)
• bezel cups (those metal holders your artwork gets glued into-I get mine at paperstudio.com)
• straws
• Mod Podge-matte- ( Michaels and Walmart)
• Bone folder to burnish image to bezel cup (Michaels)
• Toaster oven (Walmart)
• a mind ready to learn!
~ Don’t use gloss Mod Podge use matte. I used the gloss, and it created this weird glittery mess after I poured on the resin.
~ Make sure you don’t bake your charms anymore than 150 degrees or they burn…trust me on this one, I know.
~Don’t try to hurry the sealing part, and not let them dry. The resin will soak into your image and ruin it. I messed up a bunch this way.
~Check often on your charms as the resin is drying to inspect for bubbles. Those little buggers can appear out of thin air it seems! You may want to place the charms in the toaster oven and don't turn it on for an hour. Then check for bubbles every 15 minutes. Oh and don’t use a dryer to try and get them out, it can blow more dust on your piece or burn it. I even heard of using a lit match to get bubbles out but don’t. Too scary.
~ Do use the Colores Epoxy Resin I recommended. I spent a lot of money on others and could never get them to cure properly.
~Mix the resin and hardener well, or it won’t cure correctly, and may come out cloudy or tacky.
~When resin dries, it is hard as glass. Anything you don’t want it on needs to be protected.
~Weather changes the way resin cures. When it was foggy out, I saw many more bubbles form in my charms. Warm temperatures helped with the best results, with little or no bubbles.
~Videos on you tube that may help you out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krb1a3OhsS0
~Follow all of the manufacturers directions and warnings.
Happy Creating!